This is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of Mackay Isaac Tourism. At the meeting members will have the opportunity to find out about Mackay Isaac Tourism's operations and finances and vote on any resolutions proposed.
At the meeting the members will be asked to vote on:
accepting the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
accept the auditor's report and financial statements
appoint an auditor
The following special resolution will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting:
That the members of Mackay Isaac Tourism approve and adopt the new constitution, as circulated to members prior to the meeting, effective immediately upon passing of the resolution.
Voting via proxy will be available and members will not be eligible to vote at the AGM if their membership is more than two months in arrears.
07:30 - 07:35
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome from Mackay Isaac Tourism Chair - Robert Cocco. Acknowledgement of Country, introductions and apologies.
07:35 - 07:40
Review of Actions and Acceptance of minutes from previous Annual General Meeting
Review of Actions and Acceptance of minutes from previous Annual General Meeting
Review of Actions from previous Annual General Meeting Acceptance of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
07:40 - 07:50
Chairpersons Report
Chairpersons Report
Overview of activity during the previous year outlining achievements and acknowledgments of supporters, partners and stakeholders. Welcome to new Members Welcome to new Board Members
07:50 - 08:05
Financial Statements discussion with Finance Governance and Risk Chairperson Charlie Bone
Financial Statements discussion with Finance Governance and Risk Chairperson Charlie Bone
Overview of Financial Statements including income received, expended and company position at EOFY.
08:05 - 08:20
Operational Report and Review
Operational Report and Review
CEO summary of operational actions, outputs, outcomes and future challenges and opportunities
08:20 - 08:35
Questions to Directors
Questions to Directors
08:35 - 08:50
Special Resolution
Special Resolution
Special Resolution: Approval of New Constitution WHEREAS: 1. The current constitution of Mackay Isaac Tourism was adopted on 26.11.2020 and requires updating to better reflect the current operations, governance practices, and regulatory requirements, including compliance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) standards; 2. The Board of Mackay Isaac Tourism has reviewed the current constitution and has drafted a new constitution, which will be circulate...
Special Resolution: Approval of New Constitution WHEREAS: 1. The current constitution of Mackay Isaac Tourism was adopted on 26.11.2020 and requires updating to better reflect the current operations, governance practices, and regulatory requirements, including compliance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) standards; 2. The Board of Mackay Isaac Tourism has reviewed the current constitution and has drafted a new constitution, which will be circulated to all members for review prior to this meeting; 3. The proposed new constitution has been made available to members 28 days before the vote, in accordance with the governing rules of Mackay Isaac Tourism 4. In accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 – section 136 a company adopts a constitution after registration if the company passes a special resolution adopting a constitution or a court order is made under section 233 that requires the company to adopt the constitution
Discussion of the new constitution
Voting on the Special Resolution:
That the members of Mackay Isaac Tourism approve and adopt the new constitution, as circulated to members prior to the meeting, effective immediately upon passing of the resolution.